Wednesday, August 31, 2011

10 Ways to Find People You Know on Twitter

If you’ve recently joined the ranks of Twitter tweeple, you may be wondering how to locate tweeps you know. We’re here to help. There are a number of ways you can locate them, and we’ll share some of those means right now. Here’s a list of 10 ways to find people you know on Twitter.

  1. Twitter Search – A Twitter built-in feature. You can search for someone you know by name this way, but unless they’re using their actual name as their user name, you’re out of luck.
  2. Find Friends – From this tab on the Who to Follow page of your Twitter account, you can search for friends on Twitter via an assortment of email services. Click on each one to find contacts using that email. Once you grant Twitter access to your email account, it will pull up a list of email contacts who also have Twitter accounts.
  3. Twellow.comA directory and search engine, this is most effective if you know what name, business or mutual interests you want to use for search criteria as Twellow is used primarily for searching businesses. You can, however, locate individuals who network with certain organizations.
  4. – Think of this one as a sort of Twitter/Google search engine. You can search a variety of criteria – tweets, names, places, subjects – all of which can help you locate contacts.
  5. Follow Whomever Your Friends are Following – Chances are that at some point, many of your friends’ social circles intersect with your own. You can find a lot of mutual friends at these intersections just by following along.
  6. TwitterLocal.comThis site can assist you in a more geographically focused search for contacts. With Twitter’s location-based API in use, this has grown to encompass a much larger source of tweets.
  7. Just Tweet ItThis is a broad directory of Twitter users, listed according to interests and categories. You’ll need to know some background about someone first in order to locate them using
  8. FacebookTwitter users will generally also have Facebook accounts. You can search for them there, then look for their Twitter user names under their Facebook profile.
  9. Twiangulate – No, I didn’t make this one up. It actually exists, and it works. This tool will satisfy the private eye in you. You can use it to literally twiangulate users by means of vectoring with search terms such as mutual followers, mutual friends and keywords.
  10. Google – There’s a very handy tutorial here on how to use Google search commands to locate Twitter users. If you’ve got a little background info to work with, it can save you some search time. By inputting a few keywords into these commands, you can find your friends relatively easily.
Taken From Internet Provider

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