Tuesday, June 12, 2012

10 Games Kids Can Play with Chalk

Not all kids play requires batteries and a flat screen. Long before electronics, chalk games were used to create family fun. Chalk games can teach numbers, letters, problem solving and can even help develop coordination and promote muscle development. If you’ve forgot the rules to the classic chalk games you played as a kid, here’s a quick review:

  1. Number Crunching hopscotch: Using chalk, draw a hopscotch board in any shape you want. Traditionally, the board starts out with 3 squares in a vertical row. Next, draw 2 squares, side by side, with the middle line above the center of the original row. Continue drawing 2 more squares in a vertical row, lining up with the 3 original squares. Draw another pair of blocks, aligned with the previous set. Finish with one final square at the top end. Starting with the row of three, number the squares 1 to 10. To play, you need to add up the numbers as you jump on them. Once you reach the end you can jump back the other way and subtract numbers until you are back to zero.
  2. Four-square: Draw a large square in the drive-way. Divide up the big square into 4 smaller squares. Number the squares 1 to 4. You will need 4 players, one for each square. Using a bouncy playground ball, the player in square 4 bounces the ball once in their square and then into another players square. That player must hit it before it bounces again. When the player hits the ball it must also bounce once in their square and then once into another player’s square. If the bounces more than once the player is out. If the ball fails to bounce in someone else’s square, the person that started the ball is out. When the player is out the rest of the players move up and the player that was out moves to the end of the line or to the last square if there are only 4 players. The idea is to not get out and to stay in square 4 as long as possible because that player starts every round.
  3. Back patio baseball: This game is played similarly to normal baseball, but the field is drawn with chalk on the patio or driveway. Fill in the bases with pink chalk and add ovals in the outfield and color them yellow. Draw blue triangles at the far corners of the diamond and add a green stripe along the back of the diamond. The first player gets on their knees and tosses a flat rock or bean bag and tries to land in a colored in spot. Pink is a base hit, yellow is a double, blue is a triple and green is a home run. If the player fails to land on a colored spot he is out. If he does land on a spot, a player from the other team has a chance to try to land on the same spot to get him out. If he misses. then play continues with the rock moving around signifying runners.
  4. Tic-Tac-Throw: Draw a standard tic-tac-toe board (2 feet by 2 feet) and then draw a throw line. Just like traditional tic-tac-toe, one player is x’s and one is o’s, For younger players the line can be closer than for older players. To play, the first player stands at the throw line and tosses a rock onto the board. If they land in a square without touching any of the lines, he gets to draw an “X” in that space. If the rock is touching the line then they lose their turn and play moves on to the next player. As soon as a player gets 3 in a row they win.
  5. Guess the sketch: Take turns being the artist. Everyone who isn’t the artist for that round is a guesser. The artist will draw something and the guessers have to guess what it is. Whoever guesses what it is first gets to be the next artist.
  6. Create a maze: Draw a maze on a driveway or playground and see if the players can work their way through the maze. Make sure to throw in a few road blocks. To make the game harder the players can go through the maze on roller skates or hopping on one leg.
  7. Play hangman: This game is best played with older kids who can read. Take turns picking the word that everyone else needs to guess. The person who picks the word also gets to draw the parts on the hangman. Keep track of guessed letters by writing them off to the side of the board. At the end of every round take a wet towel and wipe off the letters and the hangman parts.
  8. Splat!: For this game you will need chalk, filled water balloons and a tape measure. The first player holds the balloon and a scorekeeper has some chalk. The first player takes the balloon over their head and then splats it on the ground as hard as they can. The scorekeeper then has to run over and trace around the splat mark on the pavement and then put the player’s initials by the outline. The hot sun will make the wet pavement dry really fast so it’s important to draw quickly. After everyone has had a chance to go, including the scorekeeper, it’s time to measure. Get out the measuring tape and figure out who had the biggest splat. Little ones may need help with this step.
  9. A snail’s pace: Take a piece of chalk and draw a big spiral that looks like a snail shell. Draw a circle in the very center of the spiral and write “home” in the circle. Next, divide the spiral up into 12 spaces. The first player has to hop on one foot in each space until she reaches the “home” spot where she can land on both feet. Next she must turn around and hop back out on one foot. If she makes it all the way through without touching any lines then she gets to write her name in the space of her choice. If she steps on a line then she has to go to the back of the line. Play continues with each player trying to get through without stepping on a line and they have to jump over any spaces that have a name on them. If the second player makes it through she gets to write her name on any other space. Play continues until it’s impossible for anyone to reach the home spot. Count up the blocks to see how wrote their name on the most. That person wins the game.
  10. Hit the mark: Draw several chalk circles in a vertical row, gradually decreasing in size with the smallest circle the farthest away. Assign points to each circle, 1 for the largest and closest circle, 5 for the next circle and so on for as many circles as you have. Draw a throwing line. Using bean bags or rocks have the first player toss their rock and try to get it into a circle without touching the sides of the circle. If the player is successful they get to count those points. Keep a running tally for every player off to the side. Whoever has the most points at the end of 10 rounds is the winner.

Now it’s your turn. What fun chalk games can you come up with?

Taken From Babysitting Jobs

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